Meet Evgenia Matvienko.

Evgenia Matvienko is a Russian photographer based in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Today you will discover the vision of art through Evgenia's eyes, and I will simultaneously share the beautiful result of our project, "When Ballet and Photography meet to create".

When Evgenia wrote to me about the purpose of creation, I immediately said yes without second thoughts. I saw how her work was very artistic and poetic, which gave me the desire to meet her, and then you to meet her, through this interview.

I hope you will enjoy it !

Let's start !

1.Where does your passion for photography and ballet come from ?

I studied choreography for 10 years, then received art history and artistic education. I came to photography from painting and consider photography one of the ways of artistic expression of reality. At some point, two passions came together, and I realized that you can tell about ballet using photography.

2. What do you want your photography to show, give ? (impression, feeling, vision)

Firstly, I want my photography to show the beauty of the world, and man as an element of perfection that belongs to eternity. There is a lot of beauty in the art of ballet - the plasticity and grace of the human body, the perfection and sophistication of forms, compositions of light and color, and costume.

3. What do you consider a must have for a photo to be successful ?

When I shoot creative projects, I don’t think about it. Many factors must coincide, not necessarily technical parameters. It is important that the shooting is an expression of something personal, corresponds to the plan, or conveys an impression. In different periods of time, different things have special meanings. Impression and beauty conveyed by color, graphics, and light are important to me.

4. What do you like in ballet ? What is for you dance ?

It seems to me that this is a way of life; this is the poetry of the body; this is a plastic statement of a choreographer and dancer; this is a beautiful form, often with emotional content.

5. Where do your ideas of creative project come from ?

Ideas and inspiration often come from some kind of visual image - it could be cinema, painting, or some productions that made a strong impression. For example, filming a dance theater performance by Pina Bausch during their tour to St. Petersburg, as well as Wim Wenders’ film about her work, was a huge inspiration; it gave me a lot of ideas to think about.

6. What are the keys (if there is) to realize a creative exchange ?

If this is a creative shoot, everything is built on personal communication, on the subtleties of mutual understanding, on falling in love, finally.

7. Do you feel yourself behind the camera, an insider or outsider of the creative process ?

I am always fully involved in the process.

8. Do you have any expection about the result ? Can get surprised from the result or it's at the image of your plan ?

In creative photography, everything is often not according to plan. In most cases, the photographer and model have their own ideas and preparations; sometimes everything is carefully discussed and thought out in advance, but the atmosphere and mutual unity during the shooting often give birth to something different, something new, or something special. A compilation of ideas and meanings. I always allow for creative partnerships and even an element of chance.

9. Why did you choose this fond, light and atmosphere for our photography ?

That's how I saw you. Tenderness, pastel colors, romantic image, references to ancient Greek art... I selected everything else - the background and atmosphere—based on this impression.

10. How would you describe our work together ?


Thank you, Evgenia, for this unique artistic exchange and for sharing with us your beautiful vision of Art.

You can discover Evgenia on Instagram: @evgeniia_matvienko.

Merci !

*Thank you


"MickeyMonkeys"- "I am thankful for today"


Maslenitsa !