SELFCARE for Ballet Dancers ?

As I wrote this title, I started smiling. For most ballet dancers, the notion of self-care and self-love is unknown. We all know what hard work, sweat, pain, and diligence are, because this is what we learn as children and what becomes habits for our body, but self-care, rest, and self-love practice are something that Ballet will never teach you, until you learn them yourself. Even though, there are the keys behind a long career and living.

As ballet dancers, we work a lot with our bodies, but compared with others physical sports, we have very little time to rest.

Holidays always feel like salvation at first, but then coming back to our optimum shape feels like hell. I always wonder if the pleasure of full resting is truly worthy the efforts to come back.

However, without rest, we cannot run marathons endlessly because, let’s not forget, our body is a living organism, not a machine. Usually, when your body gets used to a high quantity of work, you start to feel tired to the point of feeling like Iron Man. At this moment, it’s important not to forget that this illusion can be very expensive.

This observation brings us to the conclusion that daily-weekly care is essential to getting through this demanding profession, without counting only on holidays to help our bodies restore.

So, what do I do to support and help my body, to be healthy, and to protect it from injuries ?

  1. Getting massages weekly. Your body is like a big cell that stocks all your memories. You can feel tensions and points of stress not only due to mechanical issues (physical excess), but also due to psychosomatic factors that will generate stress, manifesting through body pain. A weekly massage is not only pleasant but truly therapeutic. Getting rid of physical and mental blockages and fears through therapeutic massage can change your life. We say in France “esprit sain dans un corps sain” which is translated as “healthy mindset in a healthy body”. This expression can be interpreted in different ways; however, we notice that there is an overall idea that both the body and mind are interconnected and interdependent on each other's to feel good.

  2. Going to the spa, sauna, and swimming. I love it. I could not live without this self-care anymore. The effect, like massage, is nearly instantaneous, and it lasts for a few days. I think water is the most healing component. I have always used the benefits of spas and saunas. As I remember, in Milan (Italy), with a gym membership, you usually have access to a relaxing zone with everything included. In Stuttgart (Germany), I used to go to the traditional Mineral Bath and swim in a hot mineral spring, even in the winter ! Of course, now living in Russia, I can find “Russian Banya” everywhere, or more luxury spas in big cities. All this speech is to point out that no matter where you live, if you search, you can find your heaven; a place to resource yourself and regenerate.

  3. Daily walk and breath. We all hear about the benefits of walking, although we don’t always use them. It’s my small secret, but try to walk 10,000 steps a day (around 2 hours), and you will see the results in your weight. I also want to put an accent on the practice of Pranayama, which is breathing exercises coming from Yoga. You can find courses online if it’s complicated for you to find time. Pranayama is an incredible practice, and if people knew the benefits of it, I think everyone would practice it, without jokes. We don’t realize that simple breathing can have a miraculous effect on your parasympathetic system.

  4. Monthly soft yoga practice. Just try ! Maybe you will like it, maybe not. Yoga is not for everyone. Try many types before saying no. There is a type for each needs and taste.

  5. Good sleep, healthy food, and some time alone where you can read a good book—find time to do nothing. Nothing is actually very productive ! When you do nothing, you can maybe finally listen to yourself. What you truly need to hear often comes from inside and not from outside opinion. Actually, writing this blog is my small meditation. Sharing with you my impressions and thoughts creates a moment of joy and relaxation.

  6. Listening to good music, practicing meditation, and following Nidra seance. I love Nidra. At the beginning, you can encounter some trouble turning off your brain, but with practice, it will become easier. In Nidra you will discover that even when you can’t travel physically, you can still travel !

  7. Having a good coffee + sweet treat with your boyfriend (girlfriend), close friend, or family member that is outside your working routine.

  8. Positive mindset and journaling. You can’t realize until you do it, how beneficial a daily notebook or diary is. You can count on his help to remind you of all you need to know, which helps to free your mind of all these unstoppable thoughts.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found some helpful information that can give you new keys to feeling better in your body and mind in your daily life ! When you feel burned out, I hope you will remember these ideas and at least try one of them for yourself.

Of course, making these ideas a habit is a successful way in the long term to simply feel good about yourself, peaceful and in harmony, no matter the exterior stress and unexpected social pressure.

Love yourself, and you will love your life !

Prenez soin de vous !

(Take care*)




Classical vs. Character Dancer